
Dredge up his past
Dredge up his past

dredge up his past

“Yeah, just bumped my head is all.” He rose to his feet, ignoring the black spots in his vision. “You alright?” Buffy questioned, kneeling to join her sister. With shaking arms (which he hid as best he could), Spike pushed himself to be sitting against the wall. He noticed the dead witches scattered throughout the room, killed by the dagger the Slayer was currently holding. “He’s awake!” She yelled, apologizing after he winced at the loud noise. When Spike awoke, he was greeted by Dawn’s face a bit too close to his.He was knocked out on impact, collapsing to the ground like a lifeless doll. With a flick of her hand, the witch sent Spike flying backwards into the wall with a blast of green magic. “Then,” The first witch spoke “you will be the first to die.” “Sorry, luv” Spike stepped forward towards the witches again. “We will take her blood, whether we have to kill you first or not.” “Do not joke with us, mortals.” The other witch scolded. “The blood of revenge, huh?” Xander asked “Is that what they’re calling that new Koolaid flavour?” “The Slayer killed one of our own last week,” one of the witches began “and we’re here to seek the blood of revenge.” “The hell do you want?” He questioned, subtly moving in front of Dawn and the others. Spike had grown quite fond of the little bit and was unwilling to let her get blasted by a bunch of old hags. Why was it that whenever the Slayer and her groupies found trouble, he somehow got dragged into it every time? Somehow, Dawn had also been roped in to this bullshit, as she was currently hiding behind the human shield that was Xander. Some particularly unimpressed witches stood before them, brandishing glowing spells that did something, he assumed, very unpleasant. Thanks to the Slayer, he was now cornered with the entire Scooby Gang in the Magic Shop’s backroom. Anything would be better than his current situation. Or a cup of warm blood and some soaps in his crypt. For once, in his eternally long life, he just wanted to avoid all heros, monsters and villains in the immediate area.

Dredge up his past