
B flat piano
B flat piano

The music ends with a coda marked Presto. These give further credence to the theory that the minim is in fact the basic time unit in this movement. The sections in 2/4 are interrupted three times by passages in 3/2 time, in the style of a polonaise.

b flat piano

A two-bar rhythm is prevalent, giving the marked impression of alla breve time rather than 2/4, almost as if Schubert notated it 2/4 to avoid the frequent syncopations (in the equivalent alla breve, the music starts from the weak beat) which, though sounding smooth in actual performance, look clunky and cumbersome on the score. Allegro vivace The principal theme of the last movement (rondo, 2/4, B-flat) resembles that of one of Schubert's songs, "Skolie", although this resemblance might be accidental. The scherzo proper features heavy counterpoint, with the three instruments constantly imitating each other. Allegro The third movement (3/4, B-flat) is in the classical minuet form. Like some of Schubert's other late slow movements, there is a contrasting section which is more turbulent. Andante un poco mosso The second movement (6/8, E-flat) is in the style of a gondola song with a lilting melody and swaying rhythm.In the last section of the development, fragmented versions of the main theme are presented in a succession of keys, each closer to the central key than the previous one.

b flat piano

As is typical in a classical piece, the development section expands on both themes, going into remote keys and often becoming turbulent. The first theme is characterized by dotted rhythms and irregular phrase lengths while the second theme by contrast has lyrical melodies and regular phrases.

b flat piano

  • Allegro moderato The first movement (4/4, B-flat) is in sonata form with two main themes in the exposition.

  • B flat piano